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Fueling the Founder and the Organization

Related Services: Growth Planning, Leadership Support

woman holding a book, next to a coffee mug

Photo by Nida on Pexels - Founders have their own needs and should make a deliberate effort to understand and fulfil them

Design with Ease

For the longest time, the founded entity is singularly nurtured and cared for by the founder. In return, the founder finds nurturance in the growth and flourishing of their organization."

There comes in the lifetime of every founding journey, the phase where the founded organization starts emerging independent of the founder. This moment is simultaneously liberating as it is wistful for the founder. This pensive state is accompanied by a practical differentiation in the needs of the founder and the founded entity. This distinction in needs, however, is often not noticed or is overlooked.

Changing the role of the Founder

For the longest time, the founded entity is singularly nurtured and cared for by the founder. In return, the founder finds nurturance in the growth and flourishing of their organization. Once the separation begins, the needs of the organization are shaped and met by a larger ecosystem of cofounders, employees, customers and advisors. As much as this expansion is gratifying for the founder, the founder may find themselves itching to revisit core motivations, strengthen their resolve and learn more to determine and shape their founding journeys. There can be a vacuum created by the needs of the organization being met by others.

The sharing of responsibilities with others leaves founders with time to revisit why they started their founding journey in the first place. The desire for reengaging with the values and the vision that set them on their journeys is felt though it is not always easily recognized. It can be viewed as an indulgence, a momentary period of doubt or even a subtly growing frustration with the pace of growth of the organization. The needs of the founder can get neglected, overlooked and de-prioritized in the face of the practical needs of sustaining and growing the organization.

Caring for the Founder

Once the needs have been found, it is important to establish routines and a community that allows for these needs to be met"

Founders must acknowledge that their organization has emerged as its own entity and that sustaining it requires their entrepreneurial spirit to be nurtured and its needs cared for. Acknowledging what they need to sustain their energy, creativity and drive are critical at all stages of founding. Once the needs have been found, it is important to establish routines and a community that allows for these needs to be met. Stepping away from constantly caring for the organization can feel vulnerable. However, it is simultaneously a momentous accomplishment and founders, their teams and friends should support the founders in celebrating this moment by enabling them to care for themselves. In doing so, the founders can stay engaged with their organizations effectively and joyously.



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