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Updating Your Story Without Losing Yourself

Related Services: Narrative Coaching, Leadership Support

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

Continuity in the venture founders narrative is essential. It becomes challenging when faced with overwhelming choices and a desire to connect with a highly varied audience.

Excitement of Ideas

The earliest stages of starting a venture are full of excitement. You as the founder have a brilliant idea! It can change the world and provide a happier, healthier and brighter future for everyone. You are convinced of its appeal and are strong in your convictions of realizing this dream. You have done your background research, you have looked up the buzzwords, identified others who have similar offerings and have a ready answer for how you are different. Now you are ready to start sharing your dream, this precious part of yourself with the rest of the world.

The Duality of Feedback

“To create a venture that is enduring requires a founder who has a strong anchor that lends courage to drift and explore.”

With the support and enthusiasm, come questions casting doubt on your perfect pitch. With constructive and thoughtful feedback come numerous suggestions for changing your idea, making it easier for the listener to understand, assimilate and share your pitch. The pure idea that was to be the guiding light of your venture is now dulled by questions of feasibility, markets, competition, originality and competence. And through all this you, the founder must persevere. Persevere not by being stubborn but being strong. To create an enduring venture requires a founder who has a strong anchor that lends courage to drift and explore. Spend the time or designate someone to become your historian. Create a real or a metaphorical anchor to remind yourself why and where you started your venture. Create something that clearly shows you what is non-negotiable for you. Articulate clearly and succinctly what you most care about. Armed with these, engage with others safe in the knowledge that your clarity about yourself will give you the courage to play with different versions of yourself and your story till you find the one that fits you best and makes you shine!



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